If you still encounter communication issues between the control unit and the computer after following the online instructions, please refer to the following 7 steps to troubleshoot and easily resolve the connection problem!
Step 1: Check device wiring
For a single control unit, the wiring is as shown in the figure.
For multiple control unit: Use the network cable to connect each control unit to the switch, and then use the network cable to connect the switch to the computer.
Step 2: Check computer IP address

Step 3: Check if services are running normally
If the MySQL or NEWARE BTS Service is not running, select the service and right-click to start it.

Step 4: If the BTS service is missing or fails to start in step 3
1. Disable the built-in Windows firewall:

2. Uninstall any antivirus software or firewall on the computer: (Common antivirus and firewall icons are shown below).
3. If you cannot uninstall the firewall, add the Neware software to the "trusted zone". You will need to restart the computer after performing the above operations.
Step 5: Open the software installation package, check "Install Server," and select "Repair".
Step 6: Check control unit IP parameter settings.
1. Open the control unit, move the "↑" or "↓" arrow to select "2.Configuration," and confirm with "√".

2. Set “2.Get IP Addr”: to MANUAL (default setting, manually obtain IP address).
3. Check “4.LP: “(control unit IP address, set according to the factory label, the first three segments must be consistent with GW/SP!!!).

4. Check the default gateway setting, no changes needed here. (The first three segments of GW must be consistent with LP/SP).

5 . Check 7.SP: (server/computer IP address, default setting, the first three segments must be consistent with LP/GW).
Note: When the computer is connected to the internet via Ethernet, first fix the computer's IP address for internet access, for example,, then change the 7.SP address in the control unit to, and set the 4.LP address to 192.168.88.X (0<X<255, and X≠66). After troubleshooting, restart the control unit, clear the channel markings in the software, and then remap the channels.
Step 7: Performing a continuous ping test on the control unit's IP address.
From the computer's start menu, right-click and select "Run (R)," then enter "ping [space] control unit IP [space] -t".
If you see "bytes=32," it indicates normal communication;
If you see "destination host unreachable," it indicates a hardware communication failure, and you need to check the Ethernet cable, switch, power cable, and other connections.